Lincoln Street Steps

Take the Stairs:

Despite its hills, San Francisco is a city best explored on foot. 这里有一些隐藏在城市周围的楼梯,会让你的城市冒险更容易.

温和的气候和壮丽的景色,使贝博体彩app成为一个绝好的去处 在户外. Hiking through our 公园 爬上我们著名的山丘是探索这座城市的好方法——但也许你想找一些不那么具有挑战性的东西.

Have no fear; San Francisco is full of staircases that can take you to some hard-to-reach but absolutely worthwhile locations. Here are some of our favorite staircases in San Francisco.

The Lincoln Steps

The Lincoln Steps near Lincoln Park are a work of art. In 2007, this simple concrete set of stairs was given new life, 当时林肯公园之友出资对楼梯进行了结构和美学改造. Local artist Aileen Barr worked her magic on the stairs, and what resulted is a mesmerizing piece with bright colors, tropical themes, and a captivating design. 如果你想看林肯台阶,就去加州街西端. At the top of the stairs, you can see Salesforce Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge等等.

The Esmeralda Stairs

埃斯梅拉达楼梯是三个街区长的楼梯,人们可以用它爬上伯纳尔山的西侧. The bottom flight of stairs starts at Coleridge St., one block east of Mission St. The middle set of stairs goes from Prospect Ave. to Winfield St. The top section of stairs ends at Winfield and Esmeralda streets. The Esmeralda Stairs are utilitarian, but they're also fun. 楼梯中间有两个滑梯,通常被称为温菲尔德街滑梯. 这些滑梯有40英尺长,当你到达顶峰后,会有一段令人兴奋的返程之旅.

The 15th Avenue Steps

The 15th Avenue Steps in the 日落 严格来说,它们被认为是自己的公园,有时被称为“内日落台阶”. These steps feel like their own escape into nature. 树木环绕,树荫遮蔽,感觉远离城市喧嚣的世界. Once you get to the top, you can see Golden Gate Park, St. Anne's Church,和 rest of Inner 日落.

The Hidden Steps on 16th Avenue

“内日落”中另一组受人喜爱的台阶是位于第16大道的隐藏台阶. 这段楼梯有时被称为“隐藏花园台阶”,从柯克汉姆街一直延伸到劳顿街. 曾经是一组简单的混凝土楼梯,今天是16大道的隐藏台阶. have beautiful tile artwork on the front of them.

Corona Heights Park and the Saturn and Vulcan Street Steps

如果你想欣赏这座城市的美景,那就爬上科罗娜高地公园的山顶. 中间有一段主要的楼梯,你可以直接到达山顶. 公园周围还有其他台阶,可以引导你到达一些同样令人印象深刻的有利位置. Be sure to find your footing here. 这些台阶上没有栏杆,随着日落的临近,风会变得更大.

如果你正在寻找一种冒险的方式来进出公园,那就走火神街台阶吧. 这两个街区的混凝土楼梯连接了Levant和Ord街道, and is lined with carefully tended gardens and gorgeous homes. 附近较短的土星街台阶连接土星街和奥德街. A little park sits at the base on Ord St.让你在树荫下坐下来,让你的小腿休息一下.

The 菲尔莫 Street Steps

If you want to climb some of the steepest steps in San Francisco, check out the 菲尔莫 Street Steps, which connect Pacific Heights to Cow Hollow and the 玛丽娜. 最初建于1915年,用于巴拿马-太平洋国际展览, the 菲尔莫 Street Steps are carved right into the sidewalk. 如果你爬上这些楼梯到菲尔莫尔街交叉口的山顶. 在百老汇,你可以看到金门大桥的美景, 阿尔卡特拉斯岛,和 Palace of Fine 艺术.

The Greenwich Street Steps

科伊特塔(屁股塔)是贝博体彩app的地标性建筑,通往它的台阶也可能是其中之一. These stairs are steep and long; however, they have handrails on both sides. Start the Greenwich Street Steps at Battery and Greenwich St. 楼梯蜿蜒穿过电报山的住宅区, home to San Francisco locals and a curious community of parrots.  Once you're at the top, you can view the Depression-era art at the base of 屁股塔, 或者继续你的攀爬,一直到这个标志性的纪念碑的顶端.

The Steps to Macondray Lane

In beautiful Russian Hill lies Macondray Lane, 一个惊人的, tree-lined residential thoroughfare that is gorgeous and secluded. 为了达到它, 你得爬一段楼梯到麦孔德雷巷和泰勒街的交叉口. These famous, 老旧的木楼梯看起来应该很眼熟:这个地方是阿米斯特德·莫平(armstead Maupin)心爱的《贝博体彩》(Tales of the City)系列小说中巴巴里巷(Barbary Lane)背景的灵感来源.

泰勒科恩 headshot

Tyler is the Sr. Manager of Global Content & Communications at San Francisco Travel. 自2015年以来,他一直住在贝博体彩app,并在贝博体彩app旅游团队工作了很长时间. 他同样喜欢引人注目的制作数字和户外体育赛事, 这意味着你通常可以在贝博体彩app众多伟大的剧院或甲骨文公园找到他, cheering on the Giants. 

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